
Misconceptions in the Maintenance of Jewellery

1. Avoid Cleaning Jewellery with Toothpaste

Within jewellery circles, a common misconception suggests that using toothpaste and a toothbrush will magically restore jewellery to its original brilliance. However, this is far from the truth. Toothpaste contains microscopic particles with a hardness level of six or seven degrees, similar to crystal. Unfortunately, these particles can inflict damage on gemstones that are softer than crystal, such as pearls, gold, and karat gold. To preserve the lustrous beauty of your jewellery, it is essential to avoid using toothpaste for cleaning purposes. 

Proper Cleaning Method: Instead, opt for a more suitable and gentle cleaning solution. A diluted neutral surfactant, like dishwashing detergent or baby shampoo, will prove effective and safe for most jewellery types. Remember to steer clear of using this solution on pearls, as they require even more delicate handling. By following these guidelines, you can maintain the radiance of your jewellery while ensuring its longevity and value.


2. Avoid Frequent Fondling of Jewellery 

It's no surprise that many people are drawn to touch and feel the enchanting beauty of jewellery. However, constantly fondling the surface of your precious gems can have adverse effects on their lustre and brilliance. 

The human body naturally excretes sweat and oils, which can be transferred to the jewellery when touched with bare hands. Diamonds, in particular, are prone to oil buildup as they are oleophilic stones. This unwanted residue significantly hampers their natural radiance. Therefore, it's essential to resist the temptation to touch diamonds. Conversely, jadeite and white jade possess an aggregate structure, which allows them to benefit from being touched and handled. The warmth of human touch enhances their moisture, making them even more alluring and charming. 

In conclusion, while it may be tempting to fondle and admire your jewellery regularly, it is best to exercise restraint, especially with diamonds, to maintain their brilliance and value. However, embrace the tactile connection with jadeite and white jade, as it accentuates their beauty even further.


3. Avoid Using Tap Water to Clean Pearls

Some individuals may wish to clean their pearls after wearing them a few times, but they may not be aware that using tap water for a brief cleaning has little effect on the jewellery. However, using tap water to soak pearls should be avoided entirely. Tap water contains a fixed amount of chlorine (Cl), which can harm the surface lustre of pearls. For ideal results, it is recommended to use mineral water for soaking pearls. 

Before storing pearls in a bank's safe deposit box, it is essential to wash them thoroughly to prevent potential discolouration caused by accumulated dirt in the future. Nonetheless, using a bank safe deposit box designed for cash and documents is not suitable for pearls and other moisture-sensitive gems like opals. The low relative humidity in such boxes can be detrimental to pearls. Therefore, it is advisable to take them out periodically, soak them in water, and maintain their humidity.

Proper Cleaning and Storage Methods: 

  1. When cleaning pearls, refrain from using tap water for soaking. Instead, opt for mineral water to preserve their lustre and texture. 
  2. For pearl storage, avoid keeping them in bank safe deposit boxes due to their low humidity. Regularly take out the pearls, soak them in water, and maintain the desired humidity level. 

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your pearls retain their beauty and value, while also extending their lifespan.


4. Appropriate Wear and Timely Removal for Jewellery Maintenance

Wearing jewellery all day can be tempting, but proper maintenance involves changing or removing it regularly based on individual preferences, events, time, location, and the nature of the jewellery. However, for the busy modern individual, this may not always be feasible. Nevertheless, it is crucial to remove jewellery at least during certain activities, such as washing hands, as some soaps contain alkaline substances that can gradually damage delicate gemstones over time. Moreover, soap residue tends to accumulate in the crevices of rings, significantly diminishing the stone's lustre and brilliance. Engaging in activities like bathing, household chores, or swimming while wearing jewellery can also pose risks to the gemstones, potentially causing damage or undue wear.

Proper Jewellery Maintenance: 

  1. Remove During Handwashing: To protect the gemstones, it is advisable to take off your jewellery, especially rings, while washing your hands. 
  2. Be Cautious with Soaps: Be mindful of soap usage, as certain types may contain chemicals that could harm the stones. 
  3. Avoid Activities with Jewellery: Activities like bathing, doing household chores, and swimming may cause injuries or damage to the gemstones, so it's best to remove the jewellery beforehand. 

By adopting these practices, you can preserve the beauty and longevity of your precious jewellery pieces, ensuring they continue to radiate their splendour for years to come.


5. Not All Jewellery is Suitable for Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines!

Ultrasonic cleaning machines indeed work effectively for karat gold-set jewellery and karat gold jewellery, especially in removing stubborn oil and dust from gemstone crevices that conventional brushing may miss. However, ultrasonic cleaning machines are not universally suitable for all types of gemstones. Gemstones with delicate structures, such as emeralds and pearls, should be absolutely avoided during ultrasonic cleaning as it may damage their unique compositions. Additionally, relying excessively on ultrasonic cleaning machines, despite their effectiveness, can lead to frequent vibrations that may loosen or dislodge small diamonds over time.

Proper Cleaning Methods: 

  1. For karat gold-set jewellery and karat gold jewellery, feel free to utilize the ultrasonic cleaning machine for a thorough cleanse, especially to remove debris from gemstone crevices. 
  2. Exercise caution with gemstones like emeralds and pearls, as their delicate structures make them unsuitable for ultrasonic cleaning. It's best to avoid this method altogether. 
  3. For small diamonds or other fragile gemstones, avoid frequent use of ultrasonic cleaning machines to prevent the risk of gemstone detachment. 

By adhering to these cleaning guidelines, you can protect your jewellery and ensure its long-lasting beauty.


6. Applying Makeup After Wearing Jewellery? Not Recommended

In our daily lives, certain substances found in food or other items contain varying concentrations of acids or alkalis. These different acidic and alkaline chemicals can potentially harm gemstones, particularly pearls or other organic gemstones. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid exposing jewellery to daily cosmetic products. 

When dressing for the day, it is essential to apply makeup and perfume before wearing jewellery. This precaution helps prevent higher concentrations of cosmetics or perfume from directly coming into contact with the jewellery's surface. If you need to refresh your perfume, ensure that it does not directly spray onto the surface of the jewellery.

Proper Sequence: 

  1. Apply makeup and perfume. 
  2. Once the makeup and perfume have fully dried, then wear your jewellery. 

By following this sequence, you can safeguard your jewellery and preserve its lasting beauty and value.


7. The Importance of Correct Jewellery Wearing Sequence

When wearing claw-set jewellery or rings, it is crucial to avoid snagging on clothing or handbags. While an immediate loss of the main stone might not occur, prolonged contact can lead to damages. The recommended sequence for wearing jewellery is to put on clothing first and then adorn the jewellery, preventing any unnecessary mishaps. Just envision wearing a claw-set solitaire ring and then dressing or putting on stockings - it may potentially cause harm to both the jewellery and the clothing. 

There are various methods for setting gemstones, with the safest and least likely to snag being bezel setting. However, bezel setting wraps the entire gemstone, limiting light entry, and the increased use of karat gold might not match the captivating beauty of claw-set pieces, which remains the prevailing trend in the jewellery market. Nevertheless, the key is to be mindful of the wearing sequence.

Proper Wearing Sequence: 

  1. Dress in your clothing. 
  2. Ensure that the clothing doesn't snag on the jewellery or ring. 
  3. Once dressed, then put on the jewellery. 

By following this sequence, you can ensure the correct wearing of your jewellery while preserving its allure and value.


8. The Importance of Having a Personal Jewellery Box or Pouch

You may have heard stories of people taking off their jewellery to wash their hands and inadvertently leaving them on the sink, leading to accidents like dropping the jewellery on the floor, down the drain, or forgetting it altogether. While such incidents are not uncommon, they can be easily avoided. 

When you purchase jewellery, jewellery stores often provide a small jewellery box or pouch to keep your precious pieces safe and looking beautiful. However, many people tend to leave these jewellery boxes or pouches unused in drawers after taking out their jewellery for use, which is quite regrettable. In reality, these small jewellery boxes or pouches have their practical uses. They are compact and convenient to carry around, making them ideal for keeping your jewellery secure while on the go. When you need to wash your hands, simply take off your rings and place them in the jewellery box or pouch. Cultivating this habit can significantly reduce the chances of losing your jewellery. 

Therefore, don't consider it a hassle; remember to carry a small jewellery box or pouch with you. It will help protect your jewellery and keep it shining with captivating brilliance. Regenerate response


9. Valuing Jewellery Inspection and Maintenance

Modern busy consumers often rush to take off their jewellery and store it in a jewellery box when they return home, only to retrieve it later when they want to wear it again. Jewellery goes through this repetitive cycle of use, and you may not often take the time to inspect them closely. However, dedicating a little time to care for your jewellery can significantly reduce potential risks. For instance, you can check whether the small diamonds in your jewellery are secure and free from any looseness. Is your pearl necklace firmly fastened? Are the clasps on your clip-on earrings maintaining their elasticity? Or is there any issue with screws not fitting properly? 

The Importance of Regular Jewellery Inspection: 

  1. Check if the gemstones are stable and not loose. 
  2. Ensure that the pearl necklace is securely bound. 
  3. Inspect the clip-on earrings to ensure that the clasp is tight. 

Through regular inspection and maintenance, you can ensure the safety of your jewellery and maintain its beauty and value. 


In conclusion, proper jewellery care includes using appropriate cleaning methods, avoiding frequent touching of jewellery, choosing suitable cleaning and storage methods, paying attention to the order of wearing and removing jewellery, avoiding the use of unsuitable cleaning methods, and valuing the inspection and maintenance of jewellery. By following these care methods, you can ensure that your jewellery continues to radiate its beautiful brilliance and accompanies you through the passage of time.




1. 避免用牙膏清洁珠宝




2. 避免频繁抚摸珠宝





3. 避免使用自来水清洁珍珠




  1. 清洁珍珠时,避免使用自来水浸泡。取而代之的是,使用矿泉水进行浸泡,以保持其光泽和质地。
  2. 存放珍珠时,不适合放在银行保险箱,因为湿度可能过低。建议定期取出珍珠,浸泡在水中,并补充湿度。



4. 适当佩戴,合时摘除是保养之道



  1. 洗手时摘除珠宝: 为保护宝石,建议在洗手时摘除珠宝,尤其是戒指。 
  2. 注意肥皂使用: 留意肥皂的成分,因为某些肥皂中可能含有对宝石有害的化学物质。 
  3. 避免特定活动: 洗澡、做家务或游泳等活动可能会对宝石造成伤害或损坏,因此最好事先摘除珠宝。 


5. 不是所有的首饰都适合使用超音波洗净机!



  1. 对于k金镶嵌宝石的首饰及k金首饰,您可以放心使用超音波洗净机进行清洗,特别是能够彻底清除宝石细缝中的污垢。
  2. 对于祖母绿、珍珠等特殊结构的宝石,最好避免使用超音波洗净机,以免损坏宝石的结构。
  3. 对于小钻石或其他脆弱的宝石,避免频繁使用超音波洗净机,以防止宝石松脱。







  1. 先化妆和喷香水。
  2. 等化妆品和香水干透后,再佩戴珠宝。



7. 珠宝佩戴顺序的重要性




  1. 穿戴好衣物。
  2. 确保衣物不会勾到珠宝或戒指。
  3. 等衣物穿戴完成后,再佩戴珠宝。



8. 珠宝随身盒或袋的重要性





9. 重视珠宝的检视和维护



  1. 检查宝石是否稳固,是否有松脱现象。
  2. 确保珍珠项链的绑定牢固。
  3. 检查夹式耳环的弹簧是否紧固。





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