
Lab Grown Diamond

What is a synthetic diamond (lab-grown diamond)?

A man-made diamond is a laboratory diamond that is mass-produced to closely resemble the appearance of a natural diamond by simulating the environment in which natural diamonds are created. A synthetic diamond is a polycrystalline diamond formed by the aggregation of diamond crystals with a diameter of 10 to 30 nanometres.

In the early days, man-made diamonds were lightly coloured with sugar due to the nitrogen atoms in the air entering the diamond crystals. After scientists improved the production method, man-made diamonds are now produced without any difference in appearance from natural diamonds. As the technology for producing synthetic diamonds has matured, they have become more affordable and can be produced in a variety of colours.

Synthetic diamonds are produced in laboratories or factories. Because of their growth structure and atomic-level defects, man-made diamonds can be easily distinguished from natural diamonds by a well-equipped appraisal office such as the GIA. However, because natural and man-made diamonds share some physical and other properties, even a skilled jeweller or trained gemmologist cannot distinguish them by the naked eye alone. Rigorous identification requires trained staff using specialized equipment at a gemmological laboratory.


How are they made?

Synthetic diamonds are produced in two ways.

High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT): A high-pressure, high-temperature environment is created in a laboratory or factory to produce diamonds, which mimics the conditions under which natural diamonds are formed deep in the earth. In the growth chamber, the carbon source is broken down in molten metal, and carbon atoms are gathered through the metal into a very small man-made or natural diamond crystal, forming a uniquely shaped man-made diamond crystal.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD): The CVD process uses a carbon-rich gas (such as methane) in a laboratory vacuum chamber to produce man-made diamonds. the CVD process involves breaking down methane gas molecules into carbon and hydrogen atoms, which are then deposited onto diamond seeds to form square, flattened man-made diamond crystals.


What is the difference between man-made diamonds and natural diamonds?

There are differences in the properties of natural and synthetic diamonds due to the different formation conditions.

Crystal shape: The formation temperatures of natural diamond crystals and lab-grown diamonds are similar, but natural diamonds grow into octahedral (eight equilateral triangular crystal faces) crystals, while man-made diamond crystals can grow into crystals that contain both octahedra and cubes (six square crystal faces).


How much does the price deviate from that of a natural diamond?

Shiny diamonds are precious because they take a long time to form and cannot be reproduced in a short period of time, making them a luxury item. 

Man-made diamonds can be cultivated in just a few weeks, so it is foreseeable that as the industry advances and grows larger in the future, the price of man-made diamonds will continue to decrease, and they will not have any investment or value retention value. 

Of course, if you purely want to have a dazzling diamond as jewelry, with cheaper prices, shopping for man-made diamonds is not inevitable, but the price of man-made diamonds is still falling, there is no guarantee that there will not be cheaper options in the future, when it is inevitable heartache.


What sizes do synthetic diamonds come in?

- Large size (approximately 5 to 10 carats or larger): These finished diamonds receive a lot of media attention, but are quite rare and may have been examined and accurately appraised at a gemmological laboratory.

- Commercial Size (approximately 0.25 to 2.5 carats): These finished diamonds are more numerous, but again, they may have been submitted to gemmological appraisals for evaluation and, of necessity, appraisal.

- Small or grain size (approximately 0.10 carats or less): these are the most abundant finished diamonds, but because of their small size, they are more difficult to assay and are not often assayed, so this is the real identification challenge for the jewellery industry


What colours do synthetic diamonds come in?

Man-made diamonds are usually colourless, nearly colourless, pale to dark yellow or yellow-brown; less often they appear blue, pink or green. Like natural diamonds, man-made diamonds can be colour-treated, so any colour is possible. Some people think it's blue-black, others think it's white-gold, and experts analyse that this is because someone is hallucinating the colour. Man-made diamonds have almost no inclusions or defects compared to natural diamonds, and they are shinier and tougher than natural diamonds. What's more, man-made diamonds are cheaper and less expensive than natural diamonds.






人造钻石在实验室或工厂培育生成。由于人造钻石具有生长结构和原子级别的缺陷,设备齐全的鉴定所(如 GIA)很容易就能将其和天然钻石区分开来。但是,由于天然钻石和人造钻石的一些物理和其他性质相同,即使熟练的珠宝商或训练有素的宝石学家也不能单凭肉眼来区分它们。严格的鉴定需要训练有素的工作人员在宝石鉴定所使用专业设备进行。





高压高温法 (HPHT):在实验室或工厂中创造高压高温环境来生产钻石,也就是模仿天然钻石在地球深处的形成条件。在生长室中,碳源在熔融金属中分解,碳原子通过金属聚集到一颗很小的人造或天然钻石晶种上,形成形状独特的人造钻石晶体。

化学蒸气沉淀法 (CVD):在实验室的真空室中使用富含碳的气体(如甲烷)生产人造钻石。CVD 工艺的制作过程是先将甲烷气体分子分解成碳和氢原子,然后使其沉积在钻石晶种上,形成方形扁平的人造钻石晶体。












  • 大尺寸(大约 5  10 克拉或更大):这类成品钻石广受媒体关注,但相当罕见,并且可能已在宝石检测鉴定所进行过检验和准确鉴定。
  • 商用尺寸(大约 0.25  2.5 克拉):这类成品钻石的数量更多,但同样地,它们可能会被提交给宝石鉴定所进行评估,必然也会进行鉴定。
  • 小尺寸或米粒尺寸(大约 0.10 克拉或更小):这类成品钻石的产量最大,但由于尺寸小,检测更为困难,且并不经常会进行检测,因此这是珠宝行业面临的真正鉴定挑战






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