
Privacy Policy

Personal Data and Privacy Policy

This privacy policy clarifies how Turbo Jewellery (001792033-A) uses and protects any information that you provide to Turbo Jewellery. Turbo Jewellery views and treats your Personal Data seriously. Turbo Jewellery may change this policy from time to time by updating this page.


Personal Data We May Collect from You

During your transaction and dealings with Turbo Jewellery, you may be requested to furnish your Personal Data from time to time. Turbo Jewellery and our third party service providers may share the Personal Data with each other and use them in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We may collect a variety of your Personal Data, which may include your:

• Name, company name and job title;

• National registration identity card number or passport number;

• Gender;

• Race and religious beliefs;

• Postal address and demographic information;

• Telephone number;

• Email address;

• Salary range;

• Credit card or bank account information;

• Information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers;

• Information necessary to provide you with services offered by Turbo Jewellery;

• Purchase history;

• Website surfing preference and history including cookies.

 The list of personal data stated above is not exhaustive and may include other personal data depending on the nature of dealings or transactions.


Use of Personal Data Collected

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, especially for the following reasons:

• Internal record keeping.

• Managing and enhancing customer data

• We may use the information to improve our products and services.

• We may periodically send promotional emails (or Whatsapp) about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address (or Whatsapp number) which you have provided.

• From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, Whatsapp or mail.

• We may use the information to customise the website based on your interests.

• Security and fraud prevention.

• Statistical analysis.

• Ensuring compliance with and to make disclosure under any applicable law, regulation, direction, court order, by laws, guidelines and/or codes applicable to us.

• Any other purposes related to our business.

It is necessary but non-obligatory that you provide us with the required personal data.


Protection of Personal Data

Turbo Jewellery takes the necessary precautions, including both administrative and technical to protect your personal data against loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, usage, alteration or destruction.


Disclosure of Your Personal Data

We may share your personal data with government agencies or other companies that assist us in fraud prevention or investigation. 

We can do this in the following situations: 

(1) Permitted or required by law; or, 

(2) Try to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions; or, 

(3) Investigating fraud that has occured.

We may also disclose your personal data for all other purposes that are related to the Purposes for which we originally collected your personal data.


The personal data provided to us will be kept confidential unless your Personal Data is disclosed to the following categories of parties:

• Any persons, government agencies, statutory authorities and/or industry regulators whom we are compelled or required to do so under any law;

• Any associated, related, holdings and/or subsidiaries companies of Turbo Jewellery, including those incorporated in the future;

• Our business partners and affiliates;

• Our auditors, consultants, lawyers, agents, accountants and/or advisors;

• Our third party service providers, third party management companies, sub-contractors or other parties as may be deemed necessary by us to facilitate your dealings with us.


Integrity of Your Personal Data

You are responsible for ensuring that the personal data you provide us is accurate, complete, and not misleading and that such personal data must be kept up to date.

We may request your assistance to obtain the consent of third parties whose personal data is provided by you to us and you agree to use your best endeavours to do so.


Transferring Your Personal Data Outside of Malaysia

Any personal data will be treated with the highest standards of security strictly in accordance with the PDPA 2010. It may be necessary for us to transfer your personal data outside Malaysia if any of our service providers or business partners are involved in providing part of a service located in countries outside Malaysia. You consent to us transferring your personal data outside Malaysia in these instances. We shall take reasonable steps to ensure that any such service providers or business partners are contractually bound not to use your personal data for any reason other than to provide the services they are contracted by us to provide and to adequately safeguard your personal data.


Notice and Choice Principle

Individuals, who have provided his/her Personal Information prior to this Policy, may contact Turbo Jewellery using the contact details set out below to know what types of Personal Information have been administered and the purpose for the administration.

Turbo Jewellery will not process personal information without your prior written consent, except for the Purposes and where it is required or permitted under Malaysian law.

You will be given the opportunity to ‘opt-out’ of having your personal information used for purposes not directly related to our projects, products and services at the point where Turbo Jewellery asks for information.


If you do not wish to receive our promotional updates you may opt-out of receiving these communications by writing to us at the following address:-

But please note that should you decide to “opt-out”, we may not be able to provide you with certain services and your subscription to or application for certain services may be declined, denied or refused by Turbo Jewellery.


Personal Data Protection Officer

Address: Turbo Jewellery (001792033-A), No 45, Jalan Ambong, Kepong Baru, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel No.: 603-6250 0876

Website: eshop.turbojewellery.com


Changes to This Policy

Turbo Jewellery reserves the right to update and amend this policy from time to time. Any material changes will be posted on eshop.turbojewellery.com with the updated Privacy Policy.










• 姓名、公司名称和职务;

• 身份证号码或护照号码;

• 性别;

• 种族和宗教信仰;

• 邮政地址和人口统计信息;

• 电话号码;

• 电子邮件地址;

• 薪水的范围;

• 信用卡或银行帐户信息;

• 与客户调查和/或优惠有关的信息;

• 我们为您提供服务所需的信息;

• 购买历史;

• 网站浏览偏好和历史记录,包括cookie。





• 内部记录保存。

• 管理和增强客户数据

• 我们可能会使用该信息来改善我们的产品和服务。

• 我们可能会使用您提供的电子邮件地址(或Whatsapp号码)定期发送有关新产品、特价或我们认为您可能会感兴趣的其他信息的促销电子邮件(或Whatsapp)。

• 我们有时也会出于市场调查目的使用您的信息与您联系。我们可能会通过电子邮件、电话、Whatsapp或邮件与您联系。

• 我们可能会根据您的兴趣使用这些信息来定制网站。

• 安全和防欺诈。

• 统计分析。

• 确保遵守适用于我们的法律、法规、指示、法院命令以及适用于我们的法律、准则和/或守则,并进行披露。

• 与我们业务有关的任何其他目的。

























任何个人资料将严格按照PDPA 2010的最高安全标准处理。如果我们的任何服务提供商或业务合作伙伴参与提供部分服务位于马来西亚以外的国家,我们可能有必要将您的个人资料转移到马来西亚以外。您同意我们在这些情况下将您的个人资料转移到马来西亚以外的地方。我们将采取合理的步骤,以确保任何此类服务提供商或业务合作伙伴均受合同约束,不得以任何其他理由使用您的个人资料,除了提供他们与我们签订的服务合同,并充分保护您的个人资料。










地址:Turbo Jewellery (001792033-A), No 45, Jalan Ambong, Kepong Baru, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

电话号码:603-6250 0876







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