
Jewellery Maintenance Guide 


In fact, there are many crucial details to pay attention to when it comes to jewellery maintenance and cleaning. Please take note of the following points to avoid unintentional damage to your precious jewellery:


I. General Maintenance Aspects: 

  1. Avoid contact with chemicals to prevent chemical reactions, such as soap, shower gel, shampoo, cosmetics, and perfume. 
  2. Do not wear jewellery while swimming, soaking in hot springs, bathing, or doing laundry, as the chlorine in the pool, sulphur in hot springs, and alkaline substances in soap can erode the surface of gold jewellery. 
  3. Avoid collisions and pulling to prevent accidental deformations or fractures that may ruin your beloved jewellery; remember to remove jewellery when engaging in sports or sleeping. 
  4. Keep jewellery away from high temperatures and direct sunlight to prevent unnecessary fading and other issues. 
  5. Different types of jewellery have varying hardness, so wear and store them separately to avoid mutual wear and tear. 
  6. Pay attention to the necklace's chain links, clasps, and other components to prevent the necklace from coming loose. When taking off the necklace, handle it gently and avoid tugging on it if it gets tangled in your hair. 
  7. Regularly inspect your jewellery to ensure that claw-set gemstones are not loose and that no diamonds have gone missing. Also, check if necklace clasps are secure. 
  8. Use a mild cleaning solution or soap with warm water to clean your jewellery. Make sure your jewellery is completely dry before storing it in a jewellery box to prevent discoloration and corrosion. 
  9. Never use toothpaste and baking soda to clean jewellery, as toothpaste is abrasive, and baking soda is acidic. Both can cause lasting damage to the surface of precious metals. 
  10. When handling heavy objects, ensure they don't press on your jewellery, as they might scratch or damage it.

II.  Yellow Gold Jewellery (999 Fine Gold, 916 Gold, 835 Gold, 750 Gold)

  1. Avoid contact with chemicals such as perfume, cosmetics, skincare products, hairspray, as well as sweat and seawater, as they may erode the surface of the gold and cause the jewellery to fade. 
  2. Avoid wearing yellow gold jewellery while swimming, soaking in hot springs, bathing, or doing laundry. The chlorine in swimming pools, sulphur in hot springs, and alkaline substances in soaps can damage the surface of the gold. 
  3. When yellow gold jewellery comes into contact with mercury, a chemical reaction may occur, resulting in white spots. Simply heat the jewellery slightly over an alcohol lamp to restore its original colour. If concerned about potential damage, please visit our professional store for repair. Learn more (link to after-sales service). 
  4. 999 pure gold and 916 gold are relatively soft materials and are prone to deformation. It's best not to pull necklaces to avoid deformation or breakage, and it's advisable to remove jewellery while sleeping. 
  5. If yellow gold jewellery is not worn for an extended period, it should be stored in a sealed container to maintain its shine. 
  6. When storing, wrap the jewellery in silk or velvet cloth before placing it in a jewellery box to prevent friction damage. 
  7. Avoid storing yellow gold jewellery together with other pieces, especially diamonds, as the different hardness levels may cause mutual abrasion and scratch the surface of the jewellery. It's better to store them separately in a jewellery box. 
  8. Avoid wearing yellow gold jewellery together with silver pieces, as the gold's surface may absorb trace amounts of silver ions, forming a black silver film and causing the gold to darken. For repair, please visit our professional store.


Cleaning Method for Yellow Gold Jewellery:

  1. Do not use toothpaste to clean yellow gold jewellery, as most toothpaste contains fine particles that can scratch the surface of the jewellery. 
  2. After wearing, yellow gold jewellery may lose its shine due to dust accumulation. You can add a few drops of neutral detergent to water and soak the jewellery in soapy water for 5 to 15 minutes. Then, gently brush the surface of the jewellery with a soft brush or fingers. Afterward, take it out and use a soft cloth to dry thoroughly, ensuring no water stains remain and keeping it completely dry. 
  3. Perform a cleaning every one to two weeks to maintain the shine of yellow gold jewellery. 
  4. We also offer ultrasonic cleaning service. Learn more (link to after-sales service).


III.  K Gold Jewellery (916 Gold, 835 Gold, 750 Gold, 750 White Gold, 750 Rose Gold, etc.)

  1. Avoid contact with high-volatile substances such as perfume, hairspray, etc., to maintain the colour of K gold. 
  2. When swimming or soaking in hot springs, please remove your jewellery to prevent chemical reactions with seawater, oxygen, sulphur, etc., which could affect the surface of K gold. 
  3. Avoid contact with acidic, alkaline, or extreme temperature substances to prevent erosion of the surface of K gold. 
  4. It is advisable not to wear K gold jewellery while bathing, as the chemical components in soaps and lotions used during bathing may affect the shine of the gold. 
  5. Avoid wearing jewellery during vigorous exercise or when handling heavy objects to prevent friction, deformation, or corrosion. 
  6. When storing, wrap the jewellery in silk or velvet cloth before placing it in a jewellery box to prevent mutual friction between pieces, which could cause damage.


Cleaning Method for K Gold Jewellery:

  1. Avoid using toothpaste for cleaning, as toothpaste contains fine abrasive particles that can easily damage the surface of the jewellery, especially for K gold, yellow gold, and pearls. 
  2. Add a few drops of liquid soap to water (a small amount is sufficient), or you can use homemade soapy water. Soak the K gold jewellery in the solution for 5 to 15 minutes, then gently brush the surface with a soft brush, and finally, use a soft cloth to dry it clean. Use a cotton swab to clean the edges and hard-to-reach areas, ensuring no water stains are left behind. 
  3. We also offer ultrasonic cleaning service. Learn more (link to after-sales service).


IV.  Platinum Jewellery

  1. When not wearing platinum jewellery, please store it separately in a jewellery box or a soft pouch. 
  2. While wearing platinum jewellery, try to avoid direct contact with acidic substances and various cosmetics. If accidentally exposed, immediately rinse with clean water to prevent discoloration. 
  3. Avoid wearing platinum rings and gold jewellery simultaneously, as gold is relatively soft, and friction between the two metals may cause gold particles to adhere to the platinum, leading to yellowing of the platinum and affecting its unique pure brilliance. 
  4. If you frequently wear a platinum ring, please clean it regularly to maintain its sparkling shine. You can use jewellery cleaning solutions available in the market or clean it yourself by soaking the platinum piece in a warm water and soapy solution, then gently polishing it with a soft cloth. 


Platinum Jewellery Cleaning Method: 

  1. Avoid using toothpaste for cleaning, as most toothpaste contains fine particles that can leave scratches on the jewellery's surface. 
  2. You can add a small amount of neutral detergent to water and soak the platinum jewellery in soapy water for 5 to 15 minutes. Gently scrub the surface with a soft brush or your fingers, then take it out and use a soft cloth to dry it, ensuring no water stains are left behind. 
  3. We also offer ultrasonic cleaning service. Learn more (link to after-sales service).

V.  Silver Jewellery

  1. The best way to maintain pure silver jewellery is to wear it every day because the natural oils from your body will create a warm and radiant shine. The more you wear it, the brighter it will become. 
  2. Avoid contact with chemicals such as perfumes, skincare products, and hair gel to preserve the shine of your silver jewellery. 
  3. Remove your silver jewellery before engaging in sports, swimming, bathing, or soaking in a bath to prevent exposure to sweat, chlorine in water, and other chemicals. 
  4. When not wearing silver jewellery, remember to store it in a sealed manner. You can use a zipper bag and place it in a jewellery box to isolate it from the air and reduce the chance of oxidation. 


Silver Jewellery Cleaning Method: 

  1. Use a silver polishing cloth regularly to wipe your silver jewellery and maintain its shine. 
  2. If there are stubborn stains that cannot be cleaned, you can purchase silver cleaning solution to remove them. 
  3. Alternatively, you can bring your silver jewellery to our store, and we can use ultrasonic cleaning to refresh it.


VI.  Diamond Jewellery

Diamond jewellery includes regular white diamonds, yellow diamonds, pink diamonds, and others. During the maintenance of diamond rings, many people mistakenly cause unnecessary damage to their diamond rings. Here are some tips for caring for diamond jewellery: 

  1. Avoid frequently touching the diamond with your hands, as diamonds have high oil affinity and can easily be contaminated with surface oils, affecting their brilliance. 
  2. Avoid collisions, despite diamonds being hard, they are also brittle, and impact may cause internal cracks in the diamond. 
  3. Avoid friction, do not wear or store diamond jewellery together with other gemstones, as diamonds' hardness can cause wear on other gemstones. 
  4. Avoid wearing diamond jewellery during washing or swimming, as the chemicals in toiletries and pool chlorine bleach may damage the diamond.
  5. Avoid exposure to radiation, as radiation can alter the diamond's internal crystal structure, affecting its colour, and this colour change cannot be reversed. 
  6. Do not use toothpaste to clean jewellery, as toothpaste contains fine abrasive particles with a hardness of around six to seven degrees, which may damage diamond rings, gold, or pearls. 
  7. Be cautious when using an ultrasonic cleaning machine, although it can have good cleaning effects on some jewellery, frequent use may cause small diamonds to loosen or fall off. 


Diamond Jewellery Cleaning Method: 

  1. Prepare a container with warm water and add a few drops of neutral detergent. Soak the diamond jewellery in the water and gently scrub with a soft brush or your fingers. Rinse with warm water and finally dry with a soft lint-free cloth. 
  2. Alternatively, you can bring your diamond jewellery to our store for ultrasonic cleaning (except for cluster-set diamonds).


VII.  Gemstone Jewellery

  1. Gemstone jewellery mainly includes coloured gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds, tourmalines, garnets, and others. 
  2. Different types of coloured gemstones have varying hardness, so avoid wearing or storing them together to prevent mutual scratching or abrasion. 
  3. Some gemstones may lose moisture due to intense heat or airflow, such as turquoise and opals, so it is essential to avoid direct sunlight on the gemstones during storage. Also, refrain from using a hairdryer or any high-temperature airflow when wearing them. 
  4. For gemstones like emeralds, tourmalines, and those with inclusions, cracks, or low hardness, it is not advisable to use an ultrasonic cleaning machine to avoid damaging the gemstones or causing them to fracture. 
  5. Opals are relatively soft, so avoid storing them with hard objects.  

These are the maintenance methods and precautions for gemstone jewellery. Proper care and cleaning will help your jewellery retain its beauty and shine for a long time. If you need professional cleaning services, feel free to visit our store for assistance.


VIII.  Organic Gemstones

  1. Organic gemstones mainly include pearls, coral, amber, and fossilized resin. Most of them have relatively low hardness, so it is essential to avoid collisions or drops. 
  2. Keep them away from heat sources and avoid exposing organic gemstone jewellery to hot water, sunlight, or high-temperature environments. Sweat, steam, and fumes can also damage gemstones with pores, such as pearls and coral. Therefore, avoid wearing these pieces in places with murky air, such as the kitchen. 
  3. Store organic gemstone jewellery separately from other metals or jewellery with sharp edges to prevent surface scratches. 
  4. Do not use chlorinated tap water to clean pearls; it is best to use purified water. When wiping pearl jewellery, use a professional pearl jewellery cleaning paper, preferably made of sheepskin or pearl cleaning cloth, to gently wipe the pearls. 
  5. Avoid using ultrasonic cleaning for pearls as it can cause severe damage to pearl jewellery. 
  6. Amber is sensitive to high temperatures and may melt when the temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius. 
  7. Pearls and coral are sensitive to moisture, and a damp environment can cause them to become mouldy and discoloured. 


Proper maintenance will help extend the lifespan of organic gemstone jewellery and preserve their natural beauty. For more professional cleaning and maintenance services, please visit our store for assistance.



IX.  Jadeite and Jade Gemstones

  1. Jade gemstones mainly include jadeite, Hetian jade, and nephrite. 
  2. It is best to wear jade gemstone jewellery frequently as the natural oils from the human body can help maintain and enhance its lustre over time. 
  3. When not wearing jade jewellery, store it in a zip lock bag and place it in a jewellery box to maintain proper moisture levels, avoid scratches, and store it under suitable temperature and humidity conditions. 
  4. Avoid collisions, as they can damage the molecular structure on the surface of the jade, leading to the appearance of dark cracks. 
  5. Try to avoid contact between jade gemstones and chemicals such as perfumes, soaps, and sweat, as these substances can erode the surface of jadeite, causing damage to the outer layer and affecting its brilliance. 
  6. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or proximity to heat sources, such as cooking over a stove. 


Jade gemstone cleaning method: 

  1. Jade gemstones should not be soaked in water for an extended period. For jadeite with a sandy or stony texture, prolonged soaking in water can cause surface oxidation and yellowing, affecting its appearance. However, you can soak jade in water for about half an hour to achieve a moisturizing effect. 
  2. You can clean jade jewellery with warm water or a mild detergent. Gently brush the surface with a soft brush, but do not soak it in cleaning solution. 
  3. Jade gemstones are not suitable for ultrasonic cleaning and should not be cleaned with strong soapy water or hot water. 




X.  Crystal Gemstones

  1. Avoid impacts or dropping the crystal, as it is inherently fragile. Any impact or fall can affect the crystal's lifespan and integrity. 
  2. Avoid placing crystal jewellery near electronic devices such as computers, televisions, etc. While most crystals do not absorb radiation, being close to radiating electronic devices may affect the crystal's properties and colour. 
  3. Avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures. High-temperature environments can damage the crystal's surface structure and cause it to lose its original efficacy. 
  4. After wearing crystal jewellery, it is advisable to regularly wipe it with a soft cloth. When not wearing it frequently, store the crystal in a separate accessory box. 
  5. Do not let others touch or wear your crystal jewellery. Crystals have memory and are unique to you. If others wear or touch them, it may mix with their energy and memories, potentially affecting the crystal's magnetic field and its efficacy.


Demagnetizing methods for crystals: 

  1. Use a white crystal demagnetizer: Place the crystal in a container or box, and then put the demagnetizer under the crystal. This process can purify the crystal and make it more translucent. 
  2. Sunlight exposure: Place the crystal in a location with good sunlight for 1 to 2 hours, but avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. 
  3. Moonlight exposure: Utilize moonlight for demagnetization, especially during the full moon, as it provides the best results. 
  4. Soak in sea saltwater: Immerse the crystal in sea saltwater, using regular coarse salt, and leave it overnight for demagnetization. 
  5. Soak in clean water: Use unused mineral water to soak the crystal for 20 to 30 minutes. This is the simplest and most effective demagnetization method.








  1. 避免接触化学物品,以防发生化学反应,如肥皂、沐浴露、洗发水、化妆品、香水等。
  2. 不适合在游泳、泡温泉、洗澡或洗衣时佩戴,因为泳池中的氯、温泉中的硫磺以及肥皂中的碱性成分会侵蚀金饰品的表面。
  3. 避免碰撞或拉扯,以免不小心导致变形或断裂而毁了您心爱的珠宝首饰,如运动、睡觉都需要摘下首饰!
  1. 避免高温和阳光直射,以免出现不必要的褪色等问题。
  1. 不同种类的珠宝具有不同的硬度,应分开佩戴和存放,避免互相磨损。
  2. 注意检查项链的链环、搭扣等部位,以免项链脱落;取下项链时要轻拿轻放,避免缠绕在头发上用力扯动。
  3. 定期检查珠宝首饰,确保爪镶宝石没有松动、没有丢失钻石,项链扣环牢固可靠。
  4. 使用温和的清洁溶液或肥皂加温水清洗,确保首饰在完全干燥后放入收藏盒,以防变色和腐蚀。
  5. 绝对不要使用牙膏和小苏打清洁珠宝,因为牙膏具有磨蚀性,小苏打则具有酸性;两者都会对贵金属的表面造成持久损害。
  6. 当搬运重物时,请确保它们不会压在您的珠宝上,以免刮伤或损坏饰品。


二、黄金类饰品 (999足金、916黄金、835黄金、750黄金)

  1. 避免与化学品接触,如香水、化妆品、护肤品、发胶以及汗水、海水等,否则可能侵蚀黄金表层,导致饰品褪色。
  2. 游泳、泡温泉、洗澡或洗衣时,不宜佩戴黄金饰品,因为游泳池中的氯、温泉中的硫磺和肥皂中的碱性物质会对黄金表层产生损害。
  3. 当黄金首饰与水银接触时会发生化学反应,形成白色斑点。只需在酒精灯下稍微加热,即可恢复原色(担心会损坏的朋友可以到专业本店铺修理)。了解更多(链接到售后服务)。
  4. 材质较软的999足金和916黄金容易变形,因此最好不要拉扯项链,以免导致变形或断裂,最好在睡觉时摘下首饰。
  5. 长时间不佩戴黄金饰品时,应密封保存,以保持金饰的光泽。
  6. 收藏时用织锦布或绒布包裹后放入首饰盒中,以免摩擦损坏。
  7. 避免与其他首饰一起存放,特别是钻石,因为不同硬度会造成互相磨擦,划伤饰品表面,应独立放入首饰盒中。
  8. 避免与银饰一起佩戴,因为金饰的表面可能沾染微量银离子,形成黑色银膜,使金饰变黑。可以到专业店铺进行修理。
    1. 切勿使用牙膏清洁黄金饰品,因为大部分牙膏含有细微颗粒,会划伤饰品表面。
    2. 配戴后,黄金饰品可能因灰尘沾染而失去光泽。可以在水中滴入少量中性洗洁剂,将饰品浸泡在肥皂水中5~15分钟,然后用软毛刷或手指轻轻擦拭饰品表面,再取出用软布擦干即可,确保不留水渍,保持完全干燥。
    3. 每隔一到两个星期,可以进行一次清洁,以保持黄金饰品的光泽。
    4. 本店还提供超声波清洗服务。了解更多(链接到售后服务)。


三、K金类饰品 (916黄金、835黄金、750黄金、750白金、750玫瑰金等等)

  1. 尽量避免接触香水、发胶等高挥发性物质,以保持K金的色泽。
  2. 游泳或泡温泉时请取下饰品,以免与海水、氧气、硫磺等发生化学反应,影响K金表层。
  3. 避免接触酸性、碱性等化学物质或极端温度状态,以免侵蚀K金的表层。
  4. 洗澡时最好不佩戴K金饰品,因为洗澡时使用的肥皂乳液等化妆品中的化学成分可能影响彩金的光泽。
  5. 避免在剧烈运动或搬运重物时佩戴饰品,以免造成摩擦、变形或腐蚀。
  6. 保管时应用织锦布或绒布包裹后放入首饰盒,避免饰品之间相互摩擦造成损伤。

    1. 切勿使用牙膏清洗,牙膏中含有细微的磨蚀颗粒,虽小但硬度高,容易损伤首饰表面,尤其对K金、黄金和珍珠表面造成损伤。。
    2. 在水中滴入少量肥皂液(几滴即可),也可以使用家里自制的肥皂水,将K金首饰放入其中浸泡5~15分钟,然后用软毛刷轻轻刷洗饰品表面,再用软布擦干净。边缘和难以清洁的地方可用棉签擦干净,确保不留下任何水渍。
    3. 本店还提供超声波清洗服务。了解更多(链接到售后服务)


四、铂金类饰品 (Platinum)

  1. 不佩戴时,请将铂金首饰单独存放在珠宝盒或软皮袋内。
  2. 在佩戴铂金首饰时,尽量避免与酸性物质和各类化妆品直接接触。如果不慎接触,请立即用清水冲洗,以防变色。
  3. 避免同时佩戴铂金戒指和黄金首饰,因为黄金质地较软,相互摩擦会使黄金粉末附着在铂金上,导致铂金变黄,影响其独特纯净光泽。
  4. 如果频繁佩戴铂金戒指,请定期清洗以保持闪亮光泽。可使用市场上出售的珠宝清洁剂,也可以自行清洗,将铂金饰品浸泡在温水和肥皂溶液中,然后用软布轻柔拂拭。

    1. 切勿使用牙膏清洗,牙膏中含有细微的磨蚀颗粒,虽小但硬度高,容易损伤首饰表面,尤其对K金、黄金和珍珠表面造成损伤。。
    2. 在水中滴入少量肥皂液(几滴即可),也可以使用家里自制的肥皂水,将K金首饰放入其中浸泡5~15分钟,然后用软毛刷轻轻刷洗饰品表面,再用软布擦干净。边缘和难以清洁的地方可用棉签擦干净,确保不留下任何水渍。
    3. 本店还提供超声波清洗服务。了解更多(链接到售后服务)



  1. 纯银饰品的最佳保养方法是天天佩戴,因为人体油脂可以产生自然温润的光泽,只需要经常佩戴即可,戴得时间越长光泽越亮。
  2. 避免接触化学物品,如香水、护肤品、发胶等,以保持银饰的光泽。
  3. 在进行运动、游泳、沐浴或泡澡时避免佩戴银饰,以免受到汗水、水中氯和化学物质的影响。。
  4. 不佩戴银饰时,请记得将其密封保存。可以使用夹链袋收起来,然后放入珠宝盒中,这样能有效隔绝空气,减少氧化的机会。

    1. 经常使用擦银布来擦拭银饰,以保持其光泽。
    2. 如果污垢无法清洗干净,可以购买洗银水来去除污渍。
    3. 您也可以携带银饰前来我们的门店,我们可以使用超声波来进行清洗。




  1. 避免经常用手抚摸钻石,因为钻石有极高的亲油性,容易被油污染表面影响钻石光泽度。
  2. 避免碰撞,尽管钻石硬度高,但脆性也很高,碰撞可能导致钻石内部产生裂纹。
  3. 避免摩擦,不要与其他宝石一起佩戴或存放,钻石硬度较高,可能对其他宝石造成磨损。
  4. 避免在洗漱及游泳时佩戴钻石饰品,洗漱用品及游泳池中的氯化物漂白剂可能对钻石造成损害。
  5. 避免辐射环境,辐射会改变钻石的内部晶体结构,影响其颜色,产生的色变是无法恢复的。
  6. 不要用牙膏清洗珠宝,牙膏内含有细微的高硬度研磨颗粒物,看虽然小但是硬度却能达到六七度,可能对钻戒、黄金、珍珠造成损伤。
  7. 使用超声波清洗机要小心谨慎,虽然它对一些珠宝有很好的清洗效果,但频繁使用可能导致小钻松动或脱落。

    1. 可以准备一个容器盛装温水,并滴入几滴中性清洁剂,将钻石首饰浸泡在水中,用软毛刷或手指轻轻擦洗,然后用温水冲洗,最后用柔软的无棉绒布拭干即可。
    2. 也可以将钻石饰品带到我们的门店使用超声波清洗(群镶钻石的例外)。


  1. 主要指彩色宝石类,例如红宝石、蓝宝石、祖母绿、碧玺、石榴石等。
  2. 不同种类的彩色宝石硬度各异,避免将它们一起佩戴或存放,以防相互划伤或磨损。
  3. 某些宝石会因强烈的热量或风力失去水分,例如绿松石、蛋白石(欧泊),因此应避免阳光直接照射宝石在保存时,也不要在佩戴时使用电吹风等产生的高温风力。
  4. 对于祖母绿、碧玺以及一些多内含物、裂纹或性脆、性脆、硬度较低的宝石,不宜使用超声波清洗机,以免损伤宝石或导致宝石碎裂。
  5. 欧珀比较柔软,避免与硬物放在一起存放。




  1. 主要是指珍珠、珊瑚、琥珀、蜜蜡等有机宝石,它们的硬度大多较低,因此要避免碰撞或摔落。
  2. 远离热源,避免将有机石类饰品暴露在热水、阳光等高温环境中。汗水、蒸汽和油烟等也会对有气孔的宝石(如珍珠、珊瑚等)造成损伤,因此要避免佩戴这些饰品进入含有浑浊气体的场所,例如厨房。
  3. 将有机石类饰品与其他金属或有棱角的首饰分开存放,以防止它们的表面被划伤。
  4. 不要使用含氯的自来水清洗珍珠,最好使用纯净水。擦拭珍珠饰品时应使用专业的珍珠首饰擦拭纸,最好用羊皮或拭珠布轻轻擦拭珍珠。
  5. 避免使用超声波清洁珍珠,因为超声波可能严重损害珍珠饰品。
  6. 琥珀怕高温,当温度达到100摄氏度时,琥珀可能会融化。
  7. 珍珠和珊瑚怕潮湿,潮湿的环境可能导致珍珠和珊瑚发霉变色。



  1. 主要是指翡翠、和田玉、玉髓等。
  2. 玉石类饰品最好经常佩戴,因为人体自然分泌的油脂可以对玉石进行保养,使其逐渐显得更加亮丽
  3. 当不佩戴玉石饰品时,可以放入夹链袋并置于首饰盒中,以保持适当的水分,避免划痕,并在适宜的温度和湿度下保存
  4. 避免碰撞,因为碰撞会损坏玉石表面的分子结构,导致出现暗裂纹
  5. 尽量避免玉石与香水、肥皂、汗液等化学物质接触,这些成分会侵蚀翡翠的表面,导致外层受损,影响玉石的鲜艳度
  6. 避免长时间阳光直射或接近热源,例如使用火炉炊事等

    1. 不宜长时间浸泡在水中。砂地和石地的翡翠,长时间浸泡在水中会导致表面氧化发黄,影响外观。但可用水泡泡玉石约半小时,起到保养效果
    2. 可以用温水或清洁剂清洗玉石首饰,用软刷轻轻刷洗表面即可,但不要浸泡在清洁液中
    3. 玉石不适合使用超声波清洁机清洗,也不应使用强力肥皂液或热水清洗


  1. 避免撞击或摔落,因为水晶本身很脆弱,一旦受到撞击或掉落在地上,会影响水晶的寿命和完整性
  2. 避免将水晶饰品放置在电子产品旁,如电脑、电视等附近。虽然大部分水晶不吸收辐射,但靠近辐射的电子产品可能会影响水晶的功能和色泽
  3. 避免长时间置于高温处暴晒。高温环境会破坏水晶表面的晶体结构,使其失去原有功效
  4. 佩戴后要经常擦拭水晶,最好用软布轻轻擦拭,平时少佩戴时可以将其放在单独的配饰盒中保存
  5. 不要让别人触碰或佩戴你的水晶饰品。因为水晶是有记忆的,也是独属于你的,如果其他人也佩戴了,就会混入其他人的记忆,从而破坏水晶的磁场,影响水晶的功效

    1. 使用白水晶消磁石:将水晶放在容器或盒子里,然后将消磁石放在水晶下方,可以净化水晶,使其更加晶莹剔透
    2. 阳光照射:将水晶放在阳光较好的位置,让阳光照射1到2小时,但不要让水晶长时间暴露在阳光下
    3. 月光照射:夜晚可以利用月光进行消磁,特别是月圆之时的月光效果最佳
    4. 海盐水浸泡:将水晶浸泡在海盐水中,海盐即我们平常使用的粗盐,浸泡一晚上即可进行消磁
    5. 清水浸泡:使用未使用过的矿泉水浸泡水晶,浸泡时间为二十至三十分钟,这是最简单有效的消磁方法

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